Medical advices

Saudi Hospital



Medical advice - for healthy digestion



1:Avoid eating large meals and try to follow the system of regular small meals and the

   introduction of light meals between them with an interval between meals.

2:Never miss breakfast.

3:Make sure that less than 30% of your daily calories come from fatty foods.

4:Try to drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day.

5:Avoid heavy and fatty meals on hot days.



Medical Advice - Flu Vaccine for Kids


1:The vaccine is given to the child once a year, with the first dose being repeated only after .

2:one month Influenza vaccination can be started at the beginning of the sixth month of life

3:The flu vaccine is considered a safe vaccine and has a low risk of any negative

     complications for the child  (mild fever or slight pain at the site of the vaccine). 

4:Measles, German measles, mumps, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B

     catarrh, in addition to the gonococcus bacteria.

5:Additional vaccinations such as the smallpox, hepatitis A, and meningitis vaccines may contribute

     significantly to a decrease in the incidence of these diseases.

6:The HPV vaccine was introduced to attack the virus that may cause cervical cancer in females.
     Vaccines are given in two or three separate doses, starting from 9-1 to 11 years of age



Medical Advice - With Consultant Nephrologist Dr. Rashna Sahitian

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Awareness Tips:


1:Chronic kidney disease cannot be detected in the early stages and often appears in the advanced stages.

2:Identify factors around you that may contribute to chronic kidney disease and.

3:avoid them to prevent it blood sugar control, and weight loss by exercising regularly.

4:To follow a regular diet.

5:Avoid taking painkillers for long periods.
Medical advice - first aid in case of a bone fracture 




If you suspect that someone has broken a bone, provide

the required first aid and ensure that

they receive optimal care until they obtain professional medical help:


1:Try to stop the bleeding, if any, by lifting the affected organ and applying pressure to the

     wound site using a sterile bandage or clean piece of clothing.

2:Immobilize the affected area: In the event that there is a suspicion that there is a fracture in the neck or back

     the person must be immobilized as much as possible. If a limb fracture is suspected, try immobilizing the

     member with a splint or other available support.

3:Cool the injured area: Place an ice pack or ice packs wrapped in a cloth over the injury for up to ten minutes at a time.

4:Seek professional medical help.